Cookie Policy

When you visit our website, we may process personal data using online techniques such as cookies, trackers, scripts, and similar technologies (hereinafter referred to as cookie(s)). Essentially, these technologies all serve the same purpose: retrieving and storing information on your device. Therefore, we will use the familiar term “cookie(s)” throughout this cookie statement. These may include (1) essential cookies that are strictly necessary to send a message via an electronic communications network, to ensure the security of our website, or to store information about a service explicitly requested by you; (2) functional cookies that enhance your use of our website; (3) analytical cookies to measure and analyze your use of our website; (4) marketing cookies to deliver (personalized) advertisements to you; and (5) other third-party cookies that we allow on our website.

This version of the cookie statement is dated December 18, 2023.

What are cookies?

When you visit our website, we may process personal data using online techniques such as trackers, cookies, scripts, and similar technologies (hereinafter referred to as ‘cookies’). Cookies are small information files that a website asks your browser to store on your device when you visit a website or certain pages of that website. The cookie allows that website to “remember” and apply your actions or preferences over time during subsequent visits. Examples include your preferred language or information about the pages you visited. Cookies contain at least a unique identification of a visitor and some information about the user. Usually, the name of the website from which the cookie originates and the duration the cookie will stay on your device (its expiration date) are also stored.

Which cookies do we use?

We distinguish between our own cookies (first-party cookies) and cookies processed by third parties (third-party cookies). Our website places cookies on its own initiative but also allows third parties to place cookies (through integrations).

More specifically:

  • First-party cookies: These are cookies placed on our initiative. Only we have access to the information contained in the cookie.
  • Third-party cookies: These are cookies placed by a third party, not by us. The third party placing the cookie has access to the data contained in that cookie.

A further distinction can be made based on the specific purpose of the cookie (see further). For each of these categories, we will always ask for your prior consent unless these cookies are essential (to provide a service you have explicitly requested or for the proper technical functioning of a website).


Essential cookies are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the website, such as ensuring its security and accessibility. Based on applicable law and due to technical necessity, only an information obligation applies, and we are not required to ask for your consent to use such cookies. These cookies are placed as soon as you visit the website.

Cookie name





Used by the WordPress theme of the website. Allows the website owner to add or modify content in real-time.



Placed by WordPress when a user uses emojis on a WordPress site. Determines if the browser can display emojis.


1 year

Placed by CookieYes to remember user consent preferences for future visits. No personal information is stored.



These cookies optimize your use of our website by personalizing certain functionalities, such as remembering choices, preferred language, or location. You may not refuse these cookies if you wish to browse our website, but they will only be placed after a choice is made regarding cookie placement.


Cookie name




1 year

Set by Polylang to remember the language selected by the user and obtain language information.


1 hour

Used by Cloudflare for load balancing.



These cookies track your use of our website and enable us to further improve your experience. They inform us of the most and least popular pages and how visitors navigate the website. You may refuse these cookies, and they will only be placed if you accept analytical cookies by giving your consent.


Cookie name




400 days

Placed by Google Analytics to store and count page views.


400 days

Used by Google Analytics to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for site analytics reports.


Third-party cookies

Our website uses social media plugins, which may place third-party cookies. These cookies are not placed by us but by third parties linked to our website. These websites or social media platforms may process cookies for their own purposes. These cookies are used to connect to these platforms and remember user data if logged into a social media account from a website. We recommend reading the privacy statements of these websites before using them, and we direct you to their cookie policies:

How can you manage or delete cookies?

You can block or delete cookies at any time through your web browser settings. Consult your software provider’s documentation for more information on blocking and deleting cookies, such as Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.