Privacy Statement

Article 1 – Who we are

1.1 Legal Staffing Experts NV, with registered office at 2000 Antwerp, Bredestraat 4, Belgium, and registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number BE 0766.597.532. We will be considered the data controller with respect to the personal data we collect in the context of your use of our website.

This privacy policy aims only to provide you with information regarding the processing of personal data in the context of our website. For our privacy practices relating to our services, please refer to the agreement you have entered into with us or the contact as indicated below.

Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as it contains your rights towards Legal Staffing Experts NV.
This Privacy Statement may be revised or updated from time to time and we advise you to review it regularly.

1.2 Legal Staffing Experts NV complies with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (better known as ‘AVG’ or ‘GDPR’), as well as the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and the anti-spam provisions from Book XII of the Economic Law Code on the ‘law of the electronic economy’ (as applicable).

Article 2 – Personal data

2.1 Legal Staffing Experts NV processes, on the one hand, personal data that you communicate to us, such as:

  • Electronic identification data: such as e.g. IP address, via cookies (see cookie policy),…;
  • Identification data: such as e.g. name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, date of birth, address,…;
  • Professional and/or educational data: such as e.g. CV, motivation letter, education, work history,…;
  • Payroll data: such as e.g. national register number, marital status, family composition, bank account number,…

2.2 In addition, Legal Staffing Experts NV also processes public data. This concerns, for example, data that are subject to a publication obligation, such as the publication of your appointment as director of a company in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, or data that you yourself have made public, such as information on your website, on public job sites or on LinkedIn, or data that are generally known in your region or have appeared in the press, or data that can be found on e.g. Graydon.

2.3 Legal Staffing Experts NV collects the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact details: If you use the contact form on this website, you will be asked to provide the following information: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and personal data that you enter yourself in the free box (please do not enter sensitive information, such as health information, information concerning criminal convictions, or bank account numbers) or other attachment(s) such as e.g. CVs. This is information provided directly by you.
  • Usage information: We process personal data relating to your use of our website: IP address, device ID and type, referral source, language settings, browser type, operating system, geographical location, duration of visit, page visited, or information regarding the timing, frequency and pattern of your visit. This information may be aggregated and may help us collect useful information regarding the use of the website. In the event that such usage information is anonymised (and therefore not traceable to you as a natural person), then such information is not covered by this Privacy Policy. This information is automatically collected through your use of the website.

2.4 The legal basis for the use of your personal data is

  • Contractual ground: the processing is necessary for the performance of the completed arrangements in our agreement.
  • Consent: we have obtained this unambiguous and explicit consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. This will not affect the lawfulness of the processing that happened before the withdrawal of your consent.
  • Legitimate interest: processing is necessary for the protection of legitimate interests, i.e. supporting our website and improving its user-friendliness.
  • Your personal data will only be used according to the purposes set out in Article 3.

Article 3 – Purposes and legal basis of processing

3.1 General purposes and legal basis:

Legal Staffing Experts SA will use personal data collected exclusively for the following purposes:

Electronic identification data:

  • For providing and improving the website;
  • On the legal basis of the legitimate interests of Legal Staffing Experts SA to continuously improve its website and services and to ensure the proper functioning and growth of Legal Staffing Experts SA. Legal Staffing Experts NV’s legitimate interests may not and will not in any event outweigh your privacy interests.

Identification data:

  • To provide you with the requested information or services;
  • To provide our services in the best possible way;
  • To tailor our services and ensure that the right profiles are matched; in this context, we may use profiling and data supplementation/enrichment techniques;
  • With the legal basis being the performance of a contract or your explicit, prior consent.
    Professional and/or training data:
  • To assess whether you are a suitable candidate for a vacancy;
  • To contact you if we have or have not rejected your application, and to invite you for an interview;
  • To contact you should a relevant position arise in the near future;
  • To offer our services in the best possible way;
  • To tailor our services and ensure that the right profiles are matched, in this context we may use profiling and data completion/enrichment techniques;
  • With the legal basis of performing an agreement or based on Legal Staffing Experts NV’s legitimate interest to inform you about the assessment of your application.

Payroll data:

  • For the payment of wages and fringe benefits, holiday pay, or other payments due under the employment contract;
  • With the legal basis being the performance of a contract.

You are not obliged to disclose your personal data, but understand that the provision of certain services becomes impossible if you refuse the processing.

3.2 Direct marketing:
Personal data may also be used for direct marketing (including promotions and marketing campaigns as part of our services).

Direct marketing related to Legal Staffing Experts NV its services may be sent to existing clients of Legal Staffing Experts NV and its affiliated companies, based on our legitimate interests to ensure the proper functioning and growth of our business. In any case, these legitimate interests cannot and will not outweigh your privacy interests.

Before sending direct marketing (including promotions and marketing campaigns as part of our services) to candidates, temporary workers and prospects, explicit consent will always be requested.

This consent may be withdrawn at any time, without justification and without cost: see Articles 5 and 9 regarding withdrawing your consent.

3.3 Transfer to third parties:

3.3.1 Transfer to third-party service providers.

Legal Staffing Experts NV may pass on your personal data to third-party service providers providing technical and operational support and to third-party service providers in general (e.g. lawyers, auditors,…) to the extent that this is necessary for the provision of professional services and/or if it is obliged to do so on the basis of a legal provision or a court order.

Legal Staffing Experts NV will not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make your personal data commercially available to third parties, except as described above.

Legal Staffing Experts NV is not responsible for how these social media partners use your personal data. In such case, they will act as data controllers. For your information, we list the relevant links below (although these may change from time to time):

  1. Facebook:;
  2. Instagram:;
  3. LinkedIn:;
  4. Twitter:;
  5. Google+:;
  6. Vimeo:;
  7. YouTube :

3.3.2 Transfer of data within the group

Legal Staffing Experts SA is part of the Cronos Group, which includes several companies active in the field of staffing and human resources.

Legal Staffing Experts NV may share the personal data it processes with other companies within the Cronos Group in the context of intra-group cooperation and/or intra-group service provision in order to improve, facilitate and simplify the activities and services of Legal Staffing Experts NV and the Cronos Group (e.g. ICT services, accounting, analyses and statistics, receivables management, direct marketing, etc.).

In certain cases, Legal Staffing Experts NV may act together with other companies of the Legal Staffing Experts NV group as joint data controller for the processing of your personal data. This means that they then jointly determine the purposes and means of processing your personal data. In this case, they are jointly responsible for compliance with applicable data protection legislation. However, Legal Staffing Experts NV remains your main point of contact, including for the exercise of your rights regarding your personal data (for more information on the exercise of your rights, see Article 5).

Legal Staffing Experts NV is part of the Bonanza Group NV which has 7 subsidiaries (FinSource NV, V-IT NV, Serve 4 Glory NV, Pono NV, SOS Healthcare NV, Sellent NV, Legal Staffing Experts NV). Legal Staffing Experts NV may share the personal data it processes with other companies within the Group in the context of intra-group cooperation and/or intra-group service provision in order to improve, facilitate and simplify Legal Staffing Experts NV’s activities and services as a whole (e.g. ICT services, accounting, analytics and statistics, accounts receivable management, direct marketing, etc.).

In certain cases, Legal Staffing Experts NV may act together with other companies of the Bonanza Group NV as joint data controller for the processing of your personal data. This means that they then jointly determine the purpose of and the means for processing your personal data. In this case, they are jointly responsible for compliance with applicable data protection legislation. However, Legal Staffing Experts SA remains your main point of contact, including for the exercise of your rights in relation to your personal data (for more information on the exercise of your rights, see Article 5).

3.4 Transfer to third countries:
No transfer of personal data takes place outside the European Economic Area.

3.5 Legal requirements:
In rare cases, Legal Staffing Experts NV may have to disclose your personal data pursuant to a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. Legal Staffing Experts NV will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance in this regard, unless subject to legal restrictions.

Article 4 – Duration of processing

Personal data are kept and processed by us for a period necessary in function of the purposes of processing as described in Article 3 and in function of the contractual relationship between Legal Staffing Experts NV and you:

  • Electronic identification data, such as IP address: for the duration of your visit to the website;
  • Identification data : for the duration of the requested provision of services;
  • Candidate data: for the duration of the requested provision of services and employment and in accordance with applicable legislation; Of candidates , both white-collar workers and self-employed workers, we retain and process personal data at least as long as the selection process is ongoing. Thereafter, we keep the data for up to 5 years after the last contact, unless a longer period is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. In case of a longer period, we will always ask for your consent.
  • By submitting your CV and/or other personal data via the contact form or via e-mail, you agree that your data will be kept and passed on to our affiliated companies for the purpose of finding an opportunity, suitable position or vacancy. This data will be kept at most as stipulated in the cooperation agreement concluded with you or if we would not find a suitable position for you for a period of 5 years in order to contact you as part of our recruitment reserve if necessary, unless you would object.
  • Identification data of client, customer or other business relation: for the duration of the requested provision of services and for compliance with our legal obligations;
  • Photos and videos: for the duration of the requested provision of services. Mentioned personal data will be kept in any case in accordance with the specific legal requirements, as well as the statutes of limitation that require us to keep your personal data for longer, e.g. to defend ourselves against a claim in court.

Article 5 – Your rights

You always have the right to ask us to access, restrict, correct or delete your personal data. You have the right to withdraw your consent, object to the processing of personal data or request us to transfer such data.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us (contact details can be found in article 9). We may always ask you to prove your identity to prevent anyone from unlawfully accessing your data.

Legal Staffing Experts SA is not always obliged to respond to your request to exercise your rights – your rights only apply in the cases and to the extent provided for by law.

Article 6 – Security and confidentiality

We have developed technically and organisationally appropriate security measures to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorised access or erroneous communication to third parties of personal data collected, as well as any other unauthorised processing of these data.

In order to process your personal data, we grant access to your personal data to our employees.

We guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations – similar to this Privacy Statement – enforceable against our employees and appointees. In concrete terms, this means that our employees and appointees are bound by confidentiality and that only those for whom it is necessary for the performance of their duties are granted access to your personal data.

Article 7 – Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. To keep you informed of the latest amendment to our Privacy Statement, we will update the revision date each time it is changed. The amended Privacy Statement will take effect on that date.

Please check this page regularly to be informed of any changes and/or additions.

We will also proactively inform you of any significant changes to this Privacy Statement.

Article 8 – Date of last revision

Date of last revision : 09.02.2024.

Article 9 – Contacting us

You can do so at

If you believe that the processing of your personal data carried out by us violates data protection legislation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. You can do so in the EU Member State of your habitual residence, of the place where you work or of the place where the alleged breach took place. In Belgium, you can complain to the Data Protection Authority, Rue du Printing Press 35, 1000 Brussels, contact(at)

Article 10 – Cookies

Our website makes use of cookies. For further information, please refer to our cookie policy.

This disclaimer applies to the website of Legal Staffing Experts NV, with registered office at 2000 Antwerp, Bredestraat 4, with KBO number 0766.597.532 and its affiliated and associated companies (within the meaning of 1:20 and 1:21 of the Companies and Associations Code), including Legal Staffing Experts NV and its legal entities.

Legal Staffing Experts NV takes the greatest care with the information you can find on its website. Truthful, up-to-date and clear information and a userfriendly website are our priorities.


The website of Legal Staffing Experts NV and its legal entities is protected by copyright. The copyrights of this website belong to Legal Staffing Experts SA.

Users of this site undertake to use the information on this site for personal use only. A page on this website may not be presented in a framework that does not belong to Legal Staffing Experts SA.

In case of dispute concerning this web site, or in case of dispute concerning the acceptance, interpretation or observance of this disclaimer, only the Court of Antwerp is competent, which will apply Belgian law.